Steelrising - HDR Settings

Steelrising Cover

This game does not seem to use the PS4, PS5 and Xbox HDR system calibration settings. Before adjusting, make sure you have set the TV settings correctly.

The game has a Brightness option which adjusts the game's peak brightness and image exposure. The test pattern gives little information about the actual peak brightness. 

Steelrising Settings Screen

Adjust the value using the table below:

Brightness Slider Value Actual Peak Brightness, Nits
0 80
5 100
10 110
15 130
20 155
25 190
30 235
35 280
40 365
45 470
50 630
55 840
60 1080
65 1380
70 1480
75 1480
80 1480
85 1480
90 1480
95 1480
100 1500

If your TV always does tone mapping, then set the Brightness Slider value to an acceptable exposure level 

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