Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - HDR Settings

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Cover

Below I will talk about the Xbox version of the game, but some points will probably be relevant for the PC version of the game as well.
This game does not seem to use the Xbox HDR system calibration settings. Try to find data about the peak brightness of your TV on the site RTINGS.COM (value HDR peak brightness 10%) or see FAQ. Before adjusting, make sure you have set the TV settings correctly.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle HDR Settings Screen

But the game has two serious problems with HDR:
  1. The in-game Brightness slider that adjusts the midpoint (priority towards exposure or black level) also changes the peak brightness in such a way that it completely breaks the value that you specified in the system settings of the HDR console.
  2. With the default Brightness slider value of 10, the actual peak brightness in the game is much lower than the value you set in the console's HDR system settings, which can cause bright light sources to look dim. The actual peak brightness value only reaches the set value when the Brightness slider is set to maximum, which may be too bright for a full image.
See the table below to assess the discrepancy in values.
Xbox System calibration ValueActual Peak Brightness, Nits (Brightness = 10)

There are two possible solutions: recalibrate the system settings of the HDR Xbox to achieve the desired value according to the table or use the DTM mode of your TV by adjusting the in-game Brightness slider to achieve an acceptable value.

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